What Hyaluronic Acid does to your face

Hyaluron face

Beautiful facial skin is a currency. With a radiantly beautiful, smooth complexion, you can always score points wherever you go. After all, the face is the first thing our counterpart sees about us. Unfortunately, the facial skin is the biggest challenge in skin care because it is much thinner and more sensitive than the rest of the skin on the body. In addition, it is usually uncovered and therefore continuously exposed to the influence of harmful UV radiation, dryness, cold and environmental pollution through fine dust.

Last but not least, stress, lack of sleep and grief also leave their mark on the face. To counteract all these negative factors, it is important to support the skin's own powers in its natural regeneration process as much as possible. The facial skin needs our support through gentle cleansing and type-appropriate care. And more and more as the years go by. A very important wonder weapon in the Anti Aging Cosmetics is hyaluronic acid. Here you will find all the information about what Hyaluron with your face and why it is so valuable to use the right products. Plus: valuable application tips from the pros!

Hyaluron for the facial skin: Types and effect

A real all-rounder: The body's own active ingredient hyaluron smoothes existing wrinkles on the face and prevents premature skin ageing! Why? Because it is a true professional at storing water in the skin and thus ensures sufficient moisture, resilience and elasticity in the face.

Another advantage that should not be underestimated: hyaluronic acid is usually very well tolerated and free of allergens and side effects. This is because it is naturally produced by the body. However, the skin's own production decreases over the years and therefore it is absolutely legitimate to give it a little extra help. But it is important to know how! Because not all hyaluronic acid is the same. Generally, there are three different types of hyaluronic acid that are used in facial care in the form of creams:

  • High-molecular or long-chain hyaluronic acidAlthough it is only effective for a short time, it provides a lot of moisture that covers the top layer of skin like a film. On top of that, it also has an anti-inflammatory effect. 
  • Low-molecular or also short-chain hyaluronic acid: Their effect is longer-lasting, as the active ingredient is stored here in the connective tissue. The anti-wrinkle effect is thus built up sustainably. 
  • Oligohyaluronic acid: It is the smallest hyaluronic acid. Its effect also lasts longer because it is also stored in the connective tissue. In principle, short-chain compounds can penetrate much deeper into the lowest layers of the skin. 

The facial skin can benefit from each of the hyaluron types mentioned. Therefore, a combination of long-chain and short-chain hyaluronic acids is absolutely recommended.

Lavuj for the absolute hyaluron kick

The Anti Aging Cream by Lavuj is a true miracle weapon for a smooth, wrinkle-free face! Because it contains high doses of hyaluronic acid - exactly 80 Daltons. Since the natural production of hyaluronic acid in your body decreases over the years, it is very important to counteract this with the right facial care treatment. Within the first 24 hours, Lavuj already makes the first small wrinkles disappear. If you use it every day for 28 days, it will even have a real Botox effect. Your face will look as if you just came home from a beauty cure or wrinkle treatment. And all that without injections!

Your skin will be almost unrecognisable. In addition to hyaluron, this is ensured by many other valuable active ingredients such as Retinolastaxanthin, mineral-rich ionic water and various healing oils and herbal extracts. The anti-ageing cream by Lavuj is completely hormone-free and 97% vegan. It is very well tolerated, even by particularly sensitive skin, and can be used by both women and men.

Why you should only apply hyaluron in the bath!

But only if hyaluronic acid is used correctly can it develop its full effect. One important factor is: it should only be used in the bathroom! The reason for this is easily explained: hyaluron turns our skin into a kind of sponge and attracts around 6000 times its own weight in water. This is stored in the skin. But just like a sponge, the hyaluron can only be absorbed if there is enough fluid present. In rooms with dry heating air and little humidity it will have its problems. The positive effect of hyaluron could even turn into a negative one: Because if you apply your cream in rooms that are too dry, the hyaluronic acid will try in vain to draw moisture from the air and will eventually look for another source - namely your skin.

The sad consequence: if you regularly apply hyaluronic acid in dry air, your complexion will probably not become more radiant, but rather your facial skin will become dry and rough. That's why experts recommend taking a shower first and then applying hyaluronic acid when it's steaming in the bathroom. Another advantage: a nice hot shower opens your pores and the care can be better absorbed by your skin. After showering, it is best to pat your face dry very lightly and then apply the hyaluronic serum or your anti-aging cream directly to the damp skin. This way, the active ingredient can immediately start storing moisture in your skin. 

Professional tip: Hyaluron capsules and moisturising spray

If you want to really bombard your skin with moisture and prevent annoying wrinkles, there are a few tricks you can do to help: It is advisable to take hyaluronic acid capsules in addition to your facial care. They work from the inside and boost the moisture supply. They ensure that the skin's necessary moisture level is maintained throughout the day. Absolute professionals also always carry a moisturising spray in their handbag. Whenever the facial skin starts to feel dry during the day, this can be remedied immediately with a few sprays. If you keep all this in mind, you will make wrinkle injections with hyaluron superfluous and save the money for the beauty doc. 



Can I just start taking hyaluron capsules for my facial skin? Or should I consult a doctor first?

Before you start taking the product, you should always contact a dermatologist. He can analyse the condition of your face in detail beforehand. This is recommended because not every skin irritation or wrinkle can be treated with hyaluron. Often there may even be a skin disease behind it, which the doctor can then treat.

Does hyaluron also have side effects for my facial skin?

No. Annoying side effects are largely unknown. Since hyaluronic acid is a substance from the human body, it is very well tolerated. Only in very rare cases can reactions occur on the facial skin. If this happens, you should consult a doctor to be on the safe side. 

Can hyaluron be overdosed?

This really happens very rarely, and if so, then rather through injections. In the case of hyaluron overdose, skin irritation or itching can occur under certain circumstances. 

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